this post is just about cupcakes of our class...
on 21st of March 2010,venn,fen,cyee n me baked cake in fen's house...
i still dont know the procedure to bake cake...dont know how much sugar,flour and so on...
at least i know this will be the 1st thing to do...
1st is put butter and sugar together and blend
p/s: dont throw away the butter wrapper...x.x
(for further use)
use a deeper bowl??==
and make sure that your house have electric current...
fen: no offense ya...we still enjoy baking in your house...x.x
then mix the powder(dont know what powder) and chocolate flavour powder together...
then add in to the mixture..
then blend again!!till lik that..^^
baking that time still dont forget to 'syok sendiri'...kaka
enter oven...15minutes...
it looks super nice...and taste extremely nice...
~regret didnt 'curi makan' more...~
cupcakes stick...
the empty space there is the cupcake eaten by...
ehem ehem and ehem...^^
sifu: venn
apparatus: fen
helpers: xin&yee