Saturday, December 11, 2010

A note from Jia Ling :)

Hey darlings!
Schools's over, SPM is over for some, and will soon be over for those taking BC, BT and EST.
Gambateh ya^^

Just wanna say..
We have been friends and classmates for a long time.. Some since Form 1, some Form 4, some this year and some since primary school and kindergarten!
I'm glad I have you guys as my friends and even though school is over, I'll try my very best to keep in touch with all of you!
Forgive me if I've done anything wrong or offend you *I hope I didn't!* I didn't mean it even if I did. =D
Time will pass and we'll be adults *gasp!* and have our own families and yadda yadda...
But I do hope you'll never forget me!
And I hope in twenty years time, if we meet, you'll still remember me!
Unlike my mother... met her classmate but forgot her name. = =

Thats all.

Love you guys so much! Muax <3